I consistently said, throughout the
tournament, that our vibe was amazing, and that we were the most cohesive unit
there. I also said, quite a few times, that we were the “baddest mother effers”
there, and I’ll be damned if we didn’t prove me right.
I’m sure you, my few and mighty
readers, can sense my elation. The moment that final whistle sounded, a blast
of emotion hit me. It was like when you get tackled so hard you pee a little.
The emotion hit me so hard that I cried a little. And let me tell ya, Sam Pankey
is not a crier. It was, for lack of a better cliché, a magical moment.
From there it only got better.
Amanda Street—one of the hardest workers, if not the hardest worker, in women’s
rugby—earned MVP honors. I, and I’m sure you, can’t think of a more deserving
player. She is the baddest of the bad.
And then, we all got to celebrate
not only a big win for MARFU, but a great event. We all convened with our
fellow rugby freaks and badasses to celebrate each other and the commitment we
all put in to the sport. I’ve always said that rugby players are a rare breed. We
beat the crap out of each other day in and day out, but we have this innate sense
of respect for each other. It is such a great culture.